• Identify what is keeping you stuck and disconnected in your relationship.
  • Learn to slow and stop that same old conflict pattern- you know the one!
  • Arm yourself with tools to relate differently than how you grew up.
  • Experience knowing how to feel more ease and calm as you relate in relationship.
  • Expand your ability to hold difficult feelings within relationship so it leads to more intimacy instead of more fighting.
  • Show up in your relationships in a way that feels authentic
  • Learn to put out clear signals to your partner about your needs

You read all about secure relationships in books and on social media... It's time to put it all together in one place, to practice the complete steps to experience secure love, and to get answers to all of your burning questions.

You deserve the kind of relationship that's different from the one you grew up witnessing as a child.


We aren't meant to go it alone. Growth involves others... I invite you to experience the kind of healing impact that comes with engaging with a group of like-minded, caring individuals all walking this path together.

Self Discovery

Seeing ourselves in new ways can be intense. My signature course doesn't intend to stroke the ego, rather to uncover and explore new ways of being and thinking. You can prepare for incredible insights but in easy-to-digest portions.

Space and Time

What we offer our frazzled nervous systems, the ones that have worked overtime for our protection and for our survival, as we embark on this work together, is the opposite of what our stress response offers...this course will offer you much needed space and time.

Your Teacher

Melissa is a licensed therapist and relationship coach/educator that has been practicing for 18 years. She's on a mission to dispel relationship myths, making secure love accessible to everyone. In her private practice she specializes in treating couples with the gold standard of couples therapy treatment, Emotionally Focused Therapy. She is also a certified EMDR therapist, and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in Process. Her specialty is in working with the echoes of childhood trauma as they impact our adult love relationships.

Dear Melissa,

"Your work has been so powerful for me and has brought such insight and healing. Thanks"


"I'm having to retrain my brain to trust that the world is a safe place and it's okay to ask for help. Your work about the importance of a healthy nervous system and the power it takes to understand it opened up a whole new world of things I now know I need to work on. I'm looking forward to what's to come!"


I want to thank you so deeply for your attachment work...it makes me feel seen, supported AND called in. (Rather than called out).